The blog before us was Amanda Donnelly's 78 Whispers.
We are very excited to be the kick-off blog for the Beltane Tarot Blog Hop. It was a lot of fun to share pictures from various decks last time so we thought we would do that again for you.
This round's topic is "Fire Tends To All". We thought we would turn to the Sun card to show you different ways this card has been interpreted.
One of the first deck U.S. Games published was the iconic IJJ Swiss in 1970. This deck represents an older style of Tarot. It is considered a Marseilles variant. With a woodcut design, these cards feature very basic colors of black, red, blue, green and yellow. 1JJ Swiss Tarot Deck, © 1970 U.S.Games Systems, Inc.
From the same year, the Aquarian Tarot's Sun has a very different look. Some might call it a bit creepy but others love the smiling sun. Aquarian Tarot Deck, © 1970 U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
From the Rider-Waite deck, one of the most well known Sun depictions. Here we see the child on the white horse with the sun overhead. Rider-Waite Tarot Deck ® © 1971 U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
The Tarot of the Witches sun even has a star beauty patch. Tarot of the Witches, © 1974 U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
The very old school Pierpont Morgan-Bergamo Visconti-Sforza Tarocchi Deck from 1975 (reprinted in 1984) offers an unusual sunless sun. This is said to be a card that was added later. It's very rich and lush with the gold.
One of the earliest black and white decks, the Hermetic Tarot Deck offers an almost ArtDeco type sun. © 1979 U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Here we have the Lord of the Fire of the World.
The Morgan Greer, also a 1979 publication, offers two people staring at each other, but includes the sunflower and the wall from the Rider Waite.
The first of the round decks, the 1983 Motherpeace went far afield in its interpretation of this card. A zebra and a giraffe romp in this bright yellow card while a lot of happy folk frolic.
Moving into the 90's, we see the 1995 Rohrig Tarot's Sun shows a blazing white hot sun. It looks a bit like a fried egg, doesn't it.
Kris Waldherr's 1998 Goddess Tarot moves to an old folk tale to depict the Sun.
Fradella Adventure Tarot by Frank Fradella, (c) 2003 shows an uncle playing with his niece and nephew in a nod to the family focus of the Sun.
From 2008, the Deviant Moon by Patrick Valenza remains a top pick year after year due to the unusual imagery. Here two moon people seem to be engaged in a fiery tango.
Arnell Ando's Transformational Tarot shares a masculine, confident Sun.
The 2011 Crystal Visions Tarot has the white horse but the figure is a young woman standing with the sunflowers.
Another 2011 deck is the award-winning Cat's Eye Tarot. Here we see the Sun as a bright orange sun-loving cat with daisies.
Finally, releasing this month, Lisa Hunt's Ghosts and Spirits interprets the Sun as the spirit rising up.
So which of these decks are in your collection? We hope you have enjoyed this journey through just a few of the many Tarot decks published by U.S. Games. You can find us on Facebook where we post a Question Of The Day M-Sa.
The blog after us is Andrew McGregor's The Hermit's Lamp.
EXPRESS TAROTBLOGHOP TICKET: If you hit a missing link along your TarotBlogHop, you can get back on the bloghop from this master list. TarotBlogHop Master List, May 2012.